

已完结 / / 剧情片 /加拿大 / 2016


A young junior hockey player's life is shattered by an in-game act of violence. In an instant his life is abruptly turned upside down; torn from the fraternity of the team and the coinciding position of prominence, he is cast as a pariah and ostracized from the community. As he struggles with the repercussions of the event, desperate to find a means of reconciliation and a sens...


  • 愤怒的律师 8.0 愤怒的律师
    2015 剧情
  • THE CODE/暗号 8.0 THE CODE/暗号
    THE CODE/暗号
    2008 剧情
    简介:《暗号》讲述川崎市发生连发爆炸事件。恐怖分子在街头安置了多枚炸弹,威胁政府释放政治犯。协助安全部队和消防队员的是“侦探事务所5”的侦探们。市长委托事务所设法拆除炸弹。侦探507是破解密码的天才。他一个接一个地解开了密码,阻止了爆炸,恐怖分子集团被逮捕归案。   507收到了上海支部转来的委托,他被照片上从未见过的序列暗号迷住了。急欲一探密码全貌的507来到上海。等待他的是侦探523和会长。会长表示,507虽然擅解密码,但并不精于破案,因此特来支持,其实他还暗怀着其它目的。   在情报贩子的帮助下,507来到一家夜总会,找到了在那里当歌女的委托人美兰。美兰是上海最大的黑帮青龙会老大的情妇,传说跟这个绝代佳人的扯上关系的人都会离奇丧命。   507跟踪美兰,来到她的住处,并避过保镖顺利潜入屋内。他向美兰言明,自己为了解开密码专程从日本来到上海,希望她能出示完整的密码...
  • 插翅难飞2016 1.0 插翅难飞2016
    2016 剧情
    简介:Sarah Plummer is an FBI Agent whose family is taken hostage while she is on a flight to Washington, DC. "Turbulence" occurs when a mysterious stranger, Michelle, is seated beside her and Sarah is forced to make a decision that could cost her the lives of her husband and twelve-year-old son.
  • 锡人 7.0 锡人
    1987 剧情
    简介:Tin Men is one of my favorite movies of all time. The thing that always strikes me whenever I watch this movie is that while the characters of Richard Dreyfuss and Danny DeVito are seemingly feuding non-stop throughout the movie, in reality they are actually kindred spirits. It's like they see themselves in the other but don't really like what they see. Barbara Hershey is great...
  • 黑水仙 4.0 黑水仙
    1947 剧情
    简介:剧情讲述印度加尔各答修道院的克罗塔修女奉调到纳普修道院当院长,纳普修道院在印度北方海拔8000尺高山上,常年刮着强风。克罗塔建立学校和医院,连小将军都来受教育。克罗塔虽从百废待兴中辛勤工作,治理得有条有理,但年轻的修女们在偏远高山上全凭自律修持,唯美的环境使精神受到挑战,在不断的诱惑下,无法把持者只有放弃圣职。在此中有如智者所言,只有圣者和俗人可能生存——因为生活在大自然中只有修身养性或是随波逐流。      后来,发生了幼儿病死及露丝修女因爱恨还俗并欲杀害院长反坠入深谷等事件,克罗塔也因此离开纳普修道院以弥平心中的伤痕。         相关评价   迈克尔.鲍威尔导演,本片表现出人性在环境的影响下可以改变的不争事实,在人性脆弱的时候,就不能抗拒环境带给它的压力,和抵抗外来环境的影响的自制。影片在表现角色内心挣扎的细微活动细致,演员在诠释各种角色的角度...
  • 最后的卓柏卡布拉国语 6.0 最后的卓柏卡布拉国语
    2021 剧情
    简介:The Last of the Chupacabras, one of six Disney Launchpad Shorts, starts streaming May 28 on Disney+. “THE LAST OF THE CHUPACABRAS,” Written and Directed by Jessica Mendez Siqueiros. Producers are Nicole Crespo and Steak House; Executive Producers are Julie Ann Crommett, Mahin Ibrahim, Alyssa Navarro, Chris Caraballo, Jason Alvidrez and Adam Nusinow. In a world where culture has...


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